Monday, September 20, 2010

Catch up time

Well since it has been over a MONTH since I last posted, I have a lot of catching up to do! Of course Addie Rose needs an update first! She'll be 8 months old in 4 days. 8 months old - I just can't believe it!

- Addie is starting to give hugs and kisses! It is the sweetest, most precious thing. We've been loving on her since the day she was born and it is the best feeling for her to show us love back. You can ask for a hug and she'll usually give you one. Her kisses, on the other hand, are totally spontaneous. They are big, slobbery, open mouth kisses and we love them.

- We've started feeding Addie the Gerber puffs and she is obsessed with them. She much prefers them to any other baby food. It has been fun watching her motor skills develop. She can now pick up an individual puff and successfully put it in her mouth. What a big girl!

- Addie is finally getting teeth! I know the teething process is no fun, but I've been awaiting their arrival. :)

- Addie has started saying "dada" in addition to "mama".

- Addie can wave "bye" and "hi" now! It is so cute. When we go downstairs first thing in the morning she'll see Ethel and wave hello to her.

- Addie reaches for mommy and daddy. It is so sweet to see those chubby little arms reach for you to pick her up.

- Addie has had several play dates and loves them (and mommy does too)

7 months old

Addie giving her baby kisses

Addie and Ethel

OK, on to the next update....which I can't believe I'm announcing publicly...I'm doing the Tie Dye Tri next weekend! aaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Last year we went to the tri to watch Hank's dad, uncle and aunt and I was inspired. I was preggers with Addie at the time and made it a goal then and there to participate in it next year. I thought it would be a good goal and an even better way to lose the baby weight. Well here we are a year later and it is really happening! I've been training since June, bought a bike, a one-piece swim suit, a swim cap, and a ridiculous looking tri suit and I think I'm finally ready. Did I mention that I am not a swimmer, or a runner, or really even a biker? Thankfully I have some people in my life that are all of the above and have been great encouragers. I've been training with my sister Mel and our goal is to finish and feel good! During one of our bike rides Melissa (my younger sister) was totally kicking my booty and I jokingly said, "hey, I'm allowed to be slower b/c I'm a mom" Melissa then responds "That is no excuse" but from then on whenever I was tired or worn out from training I would say it was b/c I'm a tri mama. So if you think about it next weekend, say some prayers for this tri mama!!!
The fair! We go every year with the Bolding's and this year Amanda happened to be 38 weeks pregnant! She was such a trooper! We tried to tell her we didn't have to go this year, but she insisted that we go. Amanda wanted to do some walking to help move things along with Paige. We were hoping for a good story (like Amanda going into labor at the fair, ha!), but instead we just had a good time!

1 comment:

  1. Great update!! Addie is super cute and anyone would melt with those hugs I know I do. You are going to rock the tri on Sunday, know that we will be cheering for you from Edmond!
