Sunday, January 31, 2010

The story

I know I've told the story of Addie's birth to many friends and family, but I just wanted to write about it on our blog so that I can remember all the details! The day that my water broke, Saturday, January 23, 2010 started out like any other. Hank took me out for breakfast at the most delicious place in the world, Classen Grill. We were anticipating that this would be one of the last lazy Saturday morning breakfasts we would be able to enjoy as "just the two of us". After coming home full and happy, I decided to take a little nap (ok, maybe more like a long 3 hour nap) and Hank did some major cleaning to get ready for baby Addie. Looking back, Hank was definitely the one nesting! It makes us laugh b/c he would be the one to nest (AKA clean) rather than me. After I woke up, I helped Hank finish up the cleaning. Our house was finally done and awaiting our baby girl. We had dinner plans that night with my family. Melissa moved into her new house a few months ago, and she was going to have us over for a nice dinner for the first time. Before going over to Mel's house, we walked around Target to get a few baby essentials that we had been missing. Then, I convinced Hank to take me to Ross, which I absolutely love and him not so much. We then arrived at Mel's house around 6:30 and dinner was not quite ready yet. Hank and I sat down on Mel's couch and all of a sudden I felt a lot of cramping and pain in my stomach. I whispered to Hank that I thought I just had a contraction (we didn't want to alarm my family) and as soon as the contraction was over, my water broke! I told Hank what had happened and he guided me to the bathroom and I'll spare the details, but yes, I was right! So we came out of the bathroom and told my family that my water had broken and everyone was in shock! My due date was still over 2 wks away! It was pretty hilarious b/c the only person (thing) that had a reaction was Cooper (who is my former dog, and is Melissa's current dog). Cooper started dry-heaving and freaking out as soon as I said those three words, "My water broke". Ha ha, it still makes me laugh. So, Hank and I went back home and I took a quick shower and we grabbed our bags and headed to the hospital! My contractions were coming about every three minutes at this point! We headed up to the 5th floor, which was the triage floor and waited for what seemed like forever to get into a room. Once there the nurse had to verify that my water had indeed broken. She did various tests and was not convinced that it had happened. I was so scared that they were going to send us home. We were so excited that we would be meeting our daughter soon that I would have been heartbroken to have to go home and wait longer. But, she returned with good news! My water had broken and they wheeled me up to the delivery room. At this point, my contractions were getting closer and closer. They were about 2 minutes apart and becoming very INTENSE. In fact, I thought I was going to die they hurt so bad! I begged the nurse for the epidural and she said that I must finish a bag of fluid through my IV and have some blood work done first and that it would take about 20 minutes. Those were the longest 20 minutes of my life. Crislyn, one of my very best friends called Hank to tell him she was on her way to the hospital and I told Hank to give me the phone. I was right in the middle of a contraction and obviously going a little crazy and told Crislyn that this really sucks! (Crislyn by the way is about 16wks pregnant and I'm hoping I didn't traumatize her). Hank was the best coach! He was a huge support and got me through the rough part. Finally the epidural man arrived and he became the world's greatest doctor in my eyes. Life was good after that point and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the labor process from then on. After the epidural, they checked me and I was almost fully dilated! (hope that is not TMI) My doctor had been out of town that week and I was told that she would not be here to deliver my baby. But then the nurses told me she had just gotten in from the airport at 9pm and she was on her way to the hospital! yeah! So, I began pushing (which, by the way did not hurt at all - the hardest part was having to hold my breath for ten seconds) and then the doctor came in and our sweet, sweet baby was here! I was in labor for a total of 6 1/2 hours from when my water to broke to when Addie was born - not bad at all! The sight of her filled our hearts with the greatest joy. Oh it is like nothing I have ever experienced! We thank our sweet Jesus for the little miracle he gave us. She was born January 24th, 2010 at 1:19am. She weighs 7lb 5oz and is 20 1/2 inches long. She has chubby cheeks and a head full of dark brown hair. She is just perfect. A special thank you to my sister Melissa. She stayed in the delivery room with me and Hank and she even cut Addie's umbilical cord (Hank decided to pass that duty onto Mel). She took lots of great pictures for us, updated the family and friends in the waiting room via text messages during the delivery process, and was a great encourager. Also, thank you to our family and friends who patiently waited into the early morning to see baby Addie. Hank and I love you all so much. Also, to all our our visitors in the hospital - thanks for coming to meet our baby girl.

Hank and I in the triage room

She's here!

Hank, me, Addie, Crislyn, Rita

Auntie Mel and Addie cuddling

Addie does this every time we take her out of her swaddle. "I'm free!!!!"

Addie is 5 days old here and this is the most awake she's been her entire life! haha


  1. what a wonderful story! and how blessed you are to have such a short labor!!! she is absolutely beautiful!!! congrats!!!

  2. I can not believe you had such a quick birth! Blessed, for sure!!! What a wonderful story, Marie. Congrats to you & Hank - what a wonderful story!!! And Addie is so precious!!!

  3. Congrats you two! We are so happy for you. Baby Addie is beautiful! We are so glad you had a quick and healthy labor and baby. We can't wait to meet that precious little girl! XXOO

  4. Yay baby Addie! I'm so glad you were able to type all of her birth story out...I can only imagine how quickly you will forget some of the details. She is so very cute!
