Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oprah is right.....

I was sitting at home watching TV during Addie's nap yesterday and flipped the channel to Oprah. I love watching Oprah and feel that she has great things to say (most of the time). Yesterday's show was all about driving while texting and talking on your phone. Oprah is extremely passionate about this subject, and after watching her show I am too. Oprah gave many statistics about the dangers of driving while being distracted by a cell phone, and I'm not a numbers person, so that didn't have much effect on me. I'm definitely an emotional person though and after hearing the stories of accidents and deaths that could have been prevented, I have decided to sign her "no phone zone" pledge and not use my cell phone in the car anymore. I did not text while driving on a regular basis, but I regretfully admit that I have done it before. I've definitely checked out status updates on facebook while driving and I am constantly talking on my phone while in the driver's seat. In fact, I used to call my mom everyday on my way home from work just to chat. I also must admit that I've had my fair share of "close calls" and thanked God because none of those close calls turned into accidents. Is it going to be easy not to use my phone in the car? NO!!!!! But I am now not only responsible for my life, but for the precious cargo that sits in my backseat. I've already talked with Hank about my decision not to use the phone in the car anymore - and I've promised him that I will call him before I leave and when I get to my destination. (we are so used to talking to each other to and from work, etc) I recorded yesterday's show on our DVR and am planning on having Hank watch it in hopes he will stop using his cell phone in his car too. I would like to encourage you all to do the same. You can find out more info about this at Also here is the link to watch the 1 hour show:

1 comment:

  1. Big commitment, but I think it's a good thing. Even listening to the radio and singing while driving can be distracting for me.
