Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sneak peek at baby Addie

On Christmas Eve eve we got a sneak peek of baby Addie. My sisters, mom, dad, and Hank's parents joined Hank and I at a Miracle Within for a 3D/4D viewing of Addie. Our hearts instantly melted at the joyous sight!!! Our little girl doesn't look so little. She has the cutest chubby cheeks!! We could see her moving around, opening and closing her eyes, and best of all lots of smiles!! Here are some of our favorite pics:

Sticking out her tongue

There's a little grin!!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We are so thankful for the birth of Christ, our family and friends, and our growing baby Addie.


  1. Oh my! She is so very cute! Her cheeks are perfect and chubby and her little smile is precious! Keep posting...I promise to be a loyal reader. :)

  2. I love these pictures! And your blog! And you!! :) We are looking forward to New Years Eve!!!

  3. yay!! so glad you are writing a blog! I, too, with be a faithful reader! :) I love the pictures of Addie! You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mommy!

  4. Very cool pictures!!! And I'm sure you and Hank will be fantastic parents! When you feel up to visits, make sure you guys let me know. I can't wait to meet the newest Bockus! (Jenn P)

  5. Yay! A Bockus blog. I am so excited to read about baby Addie!!!!

  6. Look at those cute pudgy cheeks! She is going to get lots of kisses on those by mommy and daddy. She is beautiful, can't wait to meet her!

  7. Hi Marie! I saw your blog on Crislyn's page. Congratulations to you and Hank! She is too cute. Hope you guys are doing great!
